
If I am the problem, then I will gladly take myself out of the equation.

-NAME- Silas Vouix

-AGE- 27+



-SEXUALITY- Red Flags Gay

-PREFERENCE- Submissive Bottom

-NAMEDAY- 27th of The 5th Astral Moon

-RACE- Elezen


-VOICE- Kanata Hongo (JP) | Wang Duo (CN) | Robbie Kay (EN)

-ALIGNMENT- Chaotic Neutral


-HAIR- Crimson Red, Messy Curls

-EYES- Bronze, Eyeshadows to match

-HEIGHT- Short, for an Elezen

-BUILD- Skinny, no muscles, with some belly fat

-NOTABLE TRAITS- Droopy Pointed Ears, unmarred porcelain skin


-ENDURANCE- Weak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strong

-STRENGTH- Weak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strong

-LIBIDO- Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10High

-WIT- Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

-CHARM- Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

-CHARISMA- Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

Character Trigger warning | Dark & Mature Themes Involved

Silas is a character built on trauma, character death, abuse, human trafficking, and many more triggers. Proceed with caution.


Silas is a haughty man who carries himself around with great charm, spending a lot of time maintaining his looks and appearance. He appears to be bold in his advances, but can easily be flustered out of his parade. He enjoys being around groups of people, though one will find him quiet if he is without company and in unfamiliar places. He also values his relationships greatly and can be fiercely loyal, even if such relationships he knows to be toxic, twisted, or morally questionable. He would often go to many lengths for the other.


-FACT 1- Silas's skin will not scar. He can be wounded, marked, cut, or bruised, but it will not leave any scarring once healed.

-FACT 2- Silas has trouble sleeping. He will rest, but not sleep, often putting on music to not fall into deep sleep. If one looks close enough, one might notice.

-FACT 3- Silas is one who enjoys fiction and books, though he thinks libraries are too stuffy and boring to be in. Doesn't mean uses his braincells though.

-FACT 4- Silas's endurance in bed might have been slightly altered to take more...

-FACT 5- Silas is addicted to light narcotics, mostly to keep him awake.

-FACT 5- Silas is once a performer for singing and dancing, though he keeps it quiet mostly.



While traveling through Doma for their research, an Elezen couple of Sharlayan births were caught in the war. They were spared for their research in the Echo and given honorary citizens status by Garlemald, researching the topic for the Empire. They lived in peace with their young daughter for years and had Silas after.



A year after Silas's birth, the Sharlayan couple were found guilty of assisting the Doman rebels and executed. Their eldest daughter escaped, but Silas was left defenseless in the Empire's care.



Silas was put in the care of the Empire to be brought up as yet another soldier. On his fifth nameday, his potential was seen by a Magistrate Officer who runs the Pleasure District, and he was transferred over into their care.



He was quickly promoted as a product as soon as he was capable of taking patrons. Garleans quickly notice his similarity to his sister (The current WoL of Eorzea) and would relieve their anger on him instead. With his doll-like face and figure, as well as his similarities to the hated WoL, Silas quickly became popular and a treasured pet of the Magistrate Officer.



In the events of Endwalker, Silas was rescued by the Eorzean Alliance and reunited with his sister. He followed her to Sharlayan to be in the care of scions and soon after escaped their care aboard an airship to explore Eorzea on his own.


You may have heard of...


They say that the brother of the Warrior of Light had broken off from the Scion's care and is now in Eorzea as well!


— In reference to his sister


There's a rumor surrounding a Magistrate Officer's death, that his favorite pet had turned on him and the nobles?


— For those privy of Garlean News


There's a strange Red head Elezen that is frequenting social venues now, he seemed to be rather quiet alone yet lively with company?


— For the social butterflies

Other ways of meeting...



Garlean conscripts, victims, or those who have suffered under the empire will earn Silas's empathy and a soft spot in his heart for them. However, those who marched and lived proudly under Garlean flags will earn his ire and irritation, and sometimes, fear.



If you have visited the pleasure city in Garlemald, chances are you will have met Silas as their highest selling courtesan. However, in Eorzea, Silas will also not turn away money in exchange for a quick fuck.



Why is there such an air about them? Silas finds himself drawn to anyone who ends up being rather bad company. Whether for comfort, intimacy, or anything else, he can't seem to stay out of danger...



It is no secret that Silas depends on narcotics to keep him stimulated and awake. If you are involved with such trades, he might've crossed paths with you...


Lucien Wir Cinna

His master. He finds fear and hate for the Garlean. The man considers Silas his favorite pet and tend to show him off at soirees.

Silvane Vouix

His sister and the Warrior of light. He hates her with an utmost passion. Many Garlean soldiers would hurt him instead of her during his time in the pleasure city. She has no recollection of him and this angers him more.

Juliette Ban Cinna

One who had cared for him in Garlemald for most of his time under Lucien. He has a love hate relationship for her but also respects her like a sister. Juliette was responsible for taking him to the Eorzean Alliance.


Noa Sideris

Nicknamed his babysitter, Silas finds comfort in his presence. What started out as someone he often banters with, he now finds to have complicated feelings over...

Solis Zweilicht

His sponsor and the strange man who seemed to find his antics amusing...?


The strange being he slept with once introduced him to Solis/Noa. Now it seems that he is out of contact, and Silas wonders if their meeting even happened...

Alastor Va'des

A chance encounter that soon opens up a different door entirely, in which he now finds shelter, comfort...and some questionable agape doors to his trauma...

Altair Lunaris

he seems to be running into Altair more often nowadays. The way the viera studies him looks akin to a research subject?

Szeth Banrae

Being someone who were the victim of Garleans as well, he finds comfort in his presence and company, often times being the first one he'd think to go to in times of need.


A strange man who had offered Silas a job of doing odd tasks around Eorzea and pays in large sums. Something feels amiss about him.


Neytiri Pertiri

The Witch has taken him into her care only on behalf of his sister. He now lives in a trailer parked behind her house, as men are not allowed to live in the witches cottage.

Alex Rivers

Instead of being cared for by Sharlayan Chirugeons, Silas has opted to move into Alex's care...is he a patient, or a test subject, though?

— Stand Alone AU

Zen Blanc

Kidnapped into servitude with Zen, he finds himself once more trapped in a far more sinister black market ring than the ones he experienced in Garlemald.

— Stand Alone AU

A WORD from the writer...

Welcome, well met.

The name is Silv, but you can call me ny the name of my characters and I will still respond. I enjoy organizing events, making mods, writing, long-form roleplays on Discord, building stories and world-building. I am not looking for a relationship unless an intent is clearly stated. Please understand I am reserved by nature and awkward, I have trouble approaching people.


I will not engage or interact with minors. My characters are all mature themed and are not suitable to be engaged with those underage. Please be honest with me if you are under 18.

Some fun facts about me...

-RELATIONSHIP STATUS- Engaged to be Married VERY SOON!!!!

-AGE- 30+


-FAVORITE THEMES- Dark themes, Plots with the bonus of smut

-WRITING STYLE- Paragraph/Mirror Literature, 3rd Person POV

When WRITING with me please...

CommunicateI do not know what you are thinking. Please feel free to talk to me whenever. I am chronically online and will always reply whenever I am able.
OOC =/= ICMe and my characters are two separate beings. Do not treat me like I am my character or assume our relationship is the same. My character sleeping with you does not mean I want to do the same to you in-real-life.
ExclusivityI write with others as well, including my partner in-real-life. If you want exclusivity and are possessive over me, I will not continue our interaction.
LimitsMy only limits are god-modding, permanent disfigurement of my characters without prior consent, or plays involving body waste. Anything else is free for all, so don't hold back! (I enjoy hurting my characters emotionally the most). If you are unsure, always ask!